Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Story of A Friar

I now follow and enjoy this blog by a Franciscan Capuchin friar from the States and his name is Fr. Charles. He mentioned that he is a Catholic convert and he loves to sing. Actually, he really knows his music--from liturgical chants to punk rock songs. The latter is his favorite and he mentions in one post that his vocation song is actually a punk rock song by a band named The Mr. T. Experience.

I enjoy his blog because it's holiness is not "above the clouds" and actually, it can appeal to the youth.

Fr. Charles got me interested because I have a high regard to people who converted to Christianity. They cherish their faith as one would guard a well kept treasure. In contrast to some who were baptized from birth like me who regard their faith just like a relationship status in a social network site.

Sometimes I'm humbled by converts to Catholicism like Fr. Charles and Steve Ray, the Catholic apologist. They make me reflect on how I give importance to my faith.

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